
Sunday, March 21, 2021


In today's Politics in Nigeria, without the Youths/Young Men & Women, no Political Party can win Elections.

Majority of the People that come out for Political & Campaign Rallies are Youths/Young Men & Women.

The internal security all Political Parties use are Youths/Young Men.

The Polling Agents, Ward Agents & Local Government Agents for all Political Parties are Youths/Young Men & Women.

Majority of the Ad hoc Staff in every Elections are Youths/Young Men & Women.

You see, we play vital roles in the Electioneering processes as Youths/Young Men & Women.

Now come to think of it, are we adequately compensated in Government & Governance given the major & vital role we played in the Electioneering processes? The Answer is *No*.

Can we change the narrative in Government & Governance in view of our Population & Huge voting strength as Youths/Young Men & Women? The Answer is *Yes*.

In view of the above, I call on all Youths/Young Men & Women to stop complaining about Bad Government & Governance, let's us use this 2023 Election opportunity and put someone in our Generation. Someone we can easily reach and communicate with. Someone who cannot intimidate us with the saying *"Don't you know I am old enough to be your father"*? Someone that can easily understand 21st Century Development & Innovation.

Let's support Governor Yahaya Bello to succeed in our collective quest of a Youthful/Young President come 2023.

Let's work hard as a team so *GYB2PYB* come 2023 will be a reality.

God bless you all.