Please let's read to the end.
In today's Nigeria, we the Youths/Young Men & Women are crying because our expectations are not met by the Government.
If we check the composition of the Government, Youths/Young Men & Men are less than 15 Percent. That means, the Government is controlled by Elders.
Now, do you know, over 75 Percent of our Voting Population is made up of People between 18 to 50 Years. That means, we are the ones that Elders use to ascend into Office, and later abandon us.
Check every Campaign Rallies, the Youths who are in majority are just given only T Shirts & Face Caps to wear.
Now, do you know we can use this our huge voting strength to always put someone in our Generation in Office?
Yes the Elders will dole out cash during Elections, but remember none of them minted or printed that cash, the money is gotten from our collective resources in the Country which we ignorantly or unknowningly allow them to control to our detriment.
Now is the right time we the Youths/Young Men & Women will rise up and make our voices heard and votes counted.
We can achieve this if we all agree to work together. If we say No to Violence, no Youth should allow him or herself to be used for violent acts during Election.
As Youths and Young Men/Women we can comfortably win every Election in Nigeria given our Population.
God Almighty has positioned Governor Yahaha Bello, the current Governor of Kogi State who is part of our Generation in a Leadership Position. A Man less than 50 Years is in our bracket.
Let us all stand up and add our voices in supporting him to achieve and transcend from GYB2PYB come 2023.
With him, the Youths/Young Men/Women will have strong say & voice in the Governance of our Dear Country.
All those Developments we see and enjoy abroad will be replicated here in Nigeria by the time we the Youths/Young Men/Women who understand 21 Century Development & Innovation take the centre seat at the helm of affairs in our Nation.
May God bless you all as we work towards the achievement to this goal.