
Tuesday, January 19, 2021


A duly registered Member of a Party is truly a Member of that Party.

In view of this, I *Hon. Gift Okere* humbly call on our good people of Oyigbo Local Government Area to utilize this opportunity by revalidating and registering as a recognized Member of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The exercise starts on the 25th of January 2021.

Let's make use of this great and golden opportunity.

Let's start sensitizing the good people of Oyigbo Local Government Area from Ward 1 to the last Ward.

May God Almighty guide & direct us as we record huge success in this given task.

Long Live Oyigbo APC

Long Live Rivers APC

Long Live National APC

*Hon. Gift Okere*
*APC LEADER - Oyigbo L.G.A*