
Monday, December 30, 2019


The Initiative for Youth Empowerment and Welfare Creation expresses profound  gratitude to all critical stakeholders and players in the signing of the Final Investment Decision for the NLNG Train 7 project. 

As you know the final investment decision on the Train 7 processing unit at the Bonny Island plant was signed by Nigeria LNG partners state-run Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Eni, Total and Royal Dutch Shell yesterday in Abuja. 

We acknowledge the signing of the FID as a leadway for the execution of the project in actualizing the plan to building Train 8,9,10,11,12 which we hope will increase the nation's LNG potentials. 
The Train 7 project has the tendency of increasing NLNG capacity by 35% with a $20billion revenue and creating over 50,000 direct and indirect jobs for the youths of the nation.

We call on the JV's to partner with the youth groups, chiefs and all critical stakeholders to ensure a harmonious environment for the project.
Also, we call on young men and women in the region to embrace this opportunity and to conduct themselves peacefully before, during and after the project. 
Providing them with working environment that will allow them to deliver the project as at when due, In line with the Federal government quest to create 100 million jobs considering local content skill capacity development.

Above all, we demand that operators in the sector bring the development and empowerment of the youth to the centre of their operations. 
Today, young people in the region face high unemployment rates and a prevalent sense of disenfranchisement, we hope that the coming on stream of this project will be used to curb this trend and to promote access to labour force amongst the youth. 

You can count on us to continue to pioneer a future where youths are given the sense of enfranchisement that they deserve. Our organization is one that truly can work with organizations to ensure that you understand the environment that stifles development. Together we can ensure peace, prosperity, opportunity and dignity for all doing business in the region. 


Abiye George Phreedom Kodam
Director                   PRO