
Wednesday, July 19, 2017


"Truth is like a mighty wind, it pulls down strong objects  and journeys through"


Just like the above axiom credited to the Director General of ICD in the person of ICHENWO Glory, u will agree with us that CHUBUIKE AMAECHI's innocence has again found its way out as the leader of the INTERGRITY GROUP,   LIVINSTONE WECHIE was on AIT Focus Nigeria live TV programme to recant the group's earlier statements of blackmail against him (the Minister of Transportation, CRA). 
Below is summary of WECHIE's interview;

1.  We acted in 2015 believing that the documents used in fighting Rotimi Amaechi were true, being documents emanating from the Government. Time has played out, we have just realised that those documents were only politically fabricated just to fight and stop Rotimi Amaechi's appointment.

2.  I was the architect of Justice Omereji's panel report that indicted Rotimi Amaechi in 2015. I drew the script, the report etc.

3.  The only intention of the Rivers state government was to let the world know how bad this man, Rotimi Amaechi was, and leave it at that without prosecution, because they have nothing really indicting him. They have continued to ride on those wings to exhibit fiscal irresponsibility in Government.

4.  No Commissioner in Rivers state government can award a contract, not even for the supply of ordinary pencil. Everything, contracts, projects etc is being done by the Governor  himself.

5.  In the 8 years of Amaechi's tenure, the Budget was a public document but, in this current Rivers state government, no one government official, not even commissioners have access to the budget for these two years. Only a criminal hides Budget.

6.  My joy is that I now have the opportunity to explain what actually played out in 2015 and still going on.

The foregoing is another  vindication of CHIBUIKE ROTIMI AMAECHI, it is a pointer to ICD's continous position that the whole scenario that played out abinitio was purely a wide departure from the truth.

As an NGO that detaste lies, 
The Initiative For Change & Development(ICD) salutes the courage displayed by LIVINGSTONE WECHIE by exposing the truth and urges other blackmailers to emulate WECHIE' s decision to align with reality as the truth alone they say shall set them free.