Developing Nigeria to compete with other Countries in the World is not rocket science if we really have Development in Mind.
God Almighty has blessed this Country with enormous Natural/Mineral and Man Power Resources, but are we adequately utilizing all these for the Development of our Dear Country?
As a Renowned Sociologist, I have written so many articles on the best way to go in order to achieve Societal Development and I think if put in proper perspective, we will experience rapid development in Nigeria.
We have so many ways to generate revenue for the Country, but we just rely solely on the sale of Crude Oil as our major source of Revenue Generation, this I think is not really the best way to go.
We are blessed with Coastal Regions in the South South/Niger Delta, but have we optimally utilized these Coastal Regions to bring about Development? To me I think the answer is NO.
International trade (import and export) are hugely done through the coast.
Rivers, Bayelsa, Cross River, and Delta States have deep Seas, but have we properly utilized these Deep Seas? We can generate huge revenue via exportation if we build/rehabilitate Sea Ports in these States.
In 2017 alone, China generated over 2.4 Trillion Dollars through exportation, not that they exported Crude Oil, but just finished goods. I seriously doubt it if Nigeria was able to generate up to 50 Billion Dollars through exportation last Year.
If we have functional SeaPorts in the Niger Delta Region working in an optimal capacity, the Federal Government will be able to generate huge revenue in Dollars through the exportation of finished goods, and not rely solely on Oil Revenue.
There are many commodities and finished goods we can export from here to other Countries that are greatly in need of them.
Functional Seaports in this Region will generate huge employment for our Youths and in turn reduce Crime and Youth Restiveness in the Region.
In view of this, I humbly call on the Governors, Ministers, Senators, Rep Members and other Stakeholders in the Niger Delta Region to think in this direction so our Coastal Areas can be judiciously and optimally utilized.
We have the KEY to DEVELOPMENT.
God bless you all.