
Monday, July 29, 2019


My profound greetings to you sir. Pardon my use of this medium to reach you, reasons are, I do not know where you live to deliver this letter to you personally. Second reason is that, your actions and reactions are done publicly so I had to choose this means. I would like to talk to you as a brother, please, you have to exercise patient like the man who has being enduring your unguided use of malicious words recently.

Sir, I suggest it is high time you refrain from your discomforting attitude in the public and  WhatsApp platforms. You're aware that bitter politics and divisiveness antics have become a thing dumped into the trash bin of history. APC in Rivers State lost virtually everything, no thanks to you and others. However, others have maintained decorum, you're the only person watering the peaceful environment with filthy comments. How many times have you heard Dr. Chidi Lloyd the former DG of Pastor Tonye Cole campaign organization speak outside the box?. That is how gentlemen behave in public, the less you talk the more your respect increases. Okay, admittedly the difference in management of education and wisdom is clear. Sir, I hear people say you chose to constitute such a horrific nuisance in the public because of Amaechi's phobia. It's becoming clearer now.  Why won't you galvanise your energy on the path of reconciliation and recovery or better still ship- out to the opposite party where I'm sure you will be given a hero's accolade. You may not understand the level of respect I had for you before now, but all that has fizzled away courtesy of your new dance pattern on WhatsApp platforms.

Sir, please don't completely blame me outright, but l thought politics is reserved for men and women of integrity and truth, particularly those with innovative criticisms. Sadly I have read with utter dismay  your vituperative articles and careless speeches on the person of Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and found them unworthy of you. Regrettably these unguided outbursts of yours smacks of a determined character assassin on rampage, it is giving me great concern because you don't understand the extent of damage your actions are causing Phalga APC.

Sir, on the contrary you're not  a complete alien to Rivers  politics of win or loss including It's unending intrigues, betrayals, high headedness, total disrespect for constituted superior authority and the path to achieving reconciliation with a more superior force. Why then do you chose to be a lone ranger on this disparaging venture?.
For the sake of brotherhood, I will excuse your compromised valiancy while showcasing your completely ill-informed knowledge of what exactly has been widely observed as stimulus response by, yes of course, the hero of Nigeria's modern democracy Rt Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi whom have immensely touched your life and dependents. My brother, men who posses charismatic gifts which are divinely invested don't tell people the positive seeds they've sowed in people's lives neither do they display delinquency on WhatsApp platforms. These are men who allow education and wisdom to operate in tandem.

Sir, your actions are compiling me to believe that your discomfort has being as a result of Amaechi's greatness and it has turned out to become a splendid aberration of your expectations and your albatross.

Sincerely, Those who frown on the contents of this letter, should also frown at your daily display of juvenile -like tendencies against Amaechi on social media. This is not truly expected of you, I must confess.
It is expedient to mention that you're on a solo run believing that you will attract the attention of the man you incessantly refer to as "my former boss",  for a possible call- up for settlement, how the cookies crumble. You know Amaechi better than that or you don't even know him. I beg you  to key into the wisdom and knowledge of the ants, it will open a new chapter on the need for reconciliation and self respect. Indeed, Amaechi's silence is becoming too intoxicating for your comfort and it irks your display of irreconcilable traits. Please uncle, do well to employ that brilliance, garnish it with the wisdom of the ants and you will surely come to terms with your social shortfalls.

The internal politics between Senator Magnus Abe and Rotimi Amaechi his boss was dusted into the trash of the past. Even though that saga recorded an unprecedented sellout ever witnessed in the political history of Rivers State. If I may ask Sir, after that ugly saga, have you gathered your energy as a party chieftain, to push for reconciliation with your boss?. I must also inform you that Phalga is fast evolving, new and committed faces have taken over the political affairs of APC Phalga. Your time of relevance is uncontrollably waxing cold like others, there are new voices and associated Like Minds determined to turn Phalga around for good. Have you considered your stand in Phalga politics after now?. What's the essence of continuously brewing war of words on all political WhatsApp platforms you find yourself?. Pushing out provocative child-like statements on daily basis is not expected of your calibre of person. I implore you to get fed up with  Amaechi this, Amaechi that, haba, your actions are becoming disgraceful as a former AG and Commissioner. Maybe you don't understand the magnitude of the position you once held and I refuse to believe because you had it on a plater of gold. Rivers people have suffered enough subjugation to divisiveness,  all we ever achieved was unending hate. Rivers APC as it stands have gone beyond this stage, followers are inclined to progression and possible reconciliatory moves, people are tired and hungry. Only those who bath in the rivers of retrogression still drink of it's low esteemed value, please my brother Worgu Boms quietly swim out of that river, it stinks.

Don't be completely angry with me, it's one of those ironies of life. You talk to a person and another person talks to you, a wonderful pattern of recycling behavioural deposition, don't you agree?.  You must know sir, that, autumn and twilight have surely arrived for one of the most betrayed, insulted, abused, disrespected, but highly resilient and most outstanding contemporary political leader.  I was reliably informed you viewed Amaechi's screening and I was glad you did. But the incident that got me worried was, when you nearly threw up when he was asked to take a bow and leave. Were you expecting the contrary?. Stop struggling with another man's divine fate and destiny. The man has an overwhelming cerebral capability, his personal thrift and self -discipline and his rare uncanny ability to anticipate your kind has being his motivating drive and you can't beat it. So please sneak out of it, haba  oga  you're not a learner naw. Phalga is too cute for this retrogression. We're suffering largely due to our past mistakes. We must endeavor to reclaim who we are and the only way is the assemblage of Phalga Like Minds.

Amaechi's  political and developmental  achievements in Rivers State and Nigeria is billion light years away from your league. Can't you see?, the man has surpassed the era of hate and bitterness, he grows by the day with the Grace of God. You must begin to develop appreciation for  higher divine forces, you can not comprehend God's way with him. The best you should do at the moment is to adopt the pathway to your political destiny. 

Sir, don't you think the level of hate, viciousness and malicious politics is getting scary?. Is politics no longer the champion of transformation and reconciliation?. Where has the political proverb of "No permanent enemy in politics" vanished to?. Has politics now turned into a weapon of mischief, absolute disregard and treachery?. Is politics not for the nobility and the prudent?. Honestly, do you think in this physical realm nobody will come up to challenge your numerous show of inquietude of mind with a garnished disparage of your South South leader and your Federal Minister?. Of course there is always retributive return for every action.

I will humbly suggest you should appreciate  the beauty of  reconciliatory processes, it is ravishingly harmonious rather than instituting  mechanisms of displeasure and diversion that won't hold waters. Least you've forgotten, this same Amaechi you desperately sought to dent his image, has he not sowed numerous positive seeds in your vineyard?. Anyway, you stand free to deny it, after all denial is free of charge and you're unbeatable in the game. Did you know Amaechi has a  combination of a prodigious intellect with an iron will and a clear vision of where he wants to take not himself and family to, but the entire Nation?. Did you know he is an essentially magnificent anachronism, a leader who dared history itself and emerged virtually vindicated?. Does it not quake your reasoning?  Honestly sir, I observed rightly, maybe you're off the league, they simply don't make leaders like that anymore these days. If you don't respect Amaechi as our party leader, whom do you expect to respect your over ambitious hijinks?. When a good leader tends to maintain self discipline, you refer to his intentions as arrogance and you start acting up scripts of master voices. Pardon my frankness, it's a way of life that must be jealously sustained.

Sir Worgu, you will never be allowed to permanently wallow in the rivers of  extreme political retrograde without fishing you out. At least you're still a segmented egghead and they still respect you. Please my dear brother your steps are hubris, crudely barbaric, hurtful and shocking to most of us who loved you and still loves you. Sir, a man who is being hunted by the Ogbanje spirit of flippancy must himself be extremely careful, this adage is very instructive and insightful, I strongly advise you imbibe it.

Finally sir, as a  political elite,  I must tell you the petrifying truth. You have failed to internalise and ritualise the habits of democratic conduct and self discipline, obviously with due respect, you cannot produce a democratic order  in Port Harcourt Local Government Area APC with this corrosive approach, even where elections are held every day for a thousand years.
You must seriously  learn how to adopt to change by continuously contributing developmental and reconciliatory ideas. You need APC,  why wasting your time and talent on incitive and pejorative politics on WhatsApp platforms?. Rivers APC is on the path of peace and reconciliation with those who wholeheartedly know its value. I'm the best brother you've ever had, I just told you the commonsense truth.

Thank you sir, for reading through my lengthy letter. Remain blessed and flourish with superior wisdom and be truthful to thyself.

~Rowland Orlu wrote from Port Harcourt