
Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Easy Way To Deal With Stubbornness - By Tai Lopez

You will have to deal with stubborness throughout your life. You might be stubborn and not even know it.

Have you ever noticed how logic can never seem to change people's minds?

If you want to convince somebody of something, and if you want to change their minds, you have appeal to their desires, their self-interests, and their emotions.

The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said, "Nobody's ever convinced by logic."

Now, I will argue that some people are convinced by logic, but those people are few and far between. You need to find out what people desire.

If you have a boss, don't ask them for a raise, that's your self-interest. Don't even start with the raise, say,

"You know, I'd like to make your job easier. I got an idea: If I come in and do this for you, man, you'd be able to get home early. You'd be able to make more money yourself."

Then at the end you just say, "You know what'd make that a little easier? If I had a little raise. Then I'd be a little more motivated to do this for you."

This will make it seem like your putting their interests before yours, and the benefit to you is just a small price to pay.

People are primarily concerned with their own self interests. No one will love your success more than you, except on some occasions parents.

Just remember, if you're dealing with stubborn people and it's not working out, they don't see your side of the story, change up the game. Stop trying to appeal to the rational in them, focus on meeting their desires.

Look at alcohol advertisements, they almost always show attractive people drinking and laughing, and having a good time. Have you ever heard of the saying “Sex sells”? This is because marketers have found out how to appeal to our most primal instincts.

So when you need to change the way people perceive things, you can’t always use facts and logic. You need to find out what's important to them, and make whatever it is your trying to sell relatable to them.

Now, marketing isn’t just selling a product. It’s selling an idea, an opinion, a service, or yourself. So these “marketing” tactics are key to being a successful entrepreneur.

What’s your experience with stubborness? Have you ever had a family member or friend who is so stubborn they never change their ways? To get them to change, you have to change your approach.

Stay Strong,
Tai Lopez