
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Do You Really Need A Lot Of Friends? By Tai Lopez

Have you ever heard the saying "you are the average of the people you surround yourself with?" 

The more positive and successful the people in your social circle are, the more likely you are to become like them, it’s basic psychology. We tend to mimic the actions and emotions of the people that we spend time around, so I believe being around people who act the way that you want to act and work towards similar goals that you are working towards.

By the way, I just announced my brand new 300 Program, where I'm choosing 300 individuals to exclusively mentor and teach.

If you missed my live webinar today where I announced how you can be a part of that program, click here to watch the replay.


I Want To Take 300 People From Rags To Riches

Whether you believe it or not, the journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur can’t be done on your own. I don’t care how introverted you think you are, if you want to live the good life, you have to surround yourself with people who want the same thing.

There’s the old saying "Iron sharpens iron" and what that means is that in order to grow, and become sharper and more successful, you need to create connections with other people that will push you and make you want to achieve more and become better.

It’s no surprise that people with more friends are happier, but it’s important that those friends that you have are positive influences on you.

Human brains are hardwired to be hive minds. Despite what you’ve heard, people in crowds tend to be happier, and more altruistic. Friend groups are the same way. The more connected and close you are to your friends, the happier you will be.

If you work on having a real connection with the people you hang out with, I promise you will feel happier and more fulfilled.

If you surround yourself with people who are overweight and lazy and never go to the gym, guess what? You’re not going to be motivated to go work out and eat healthily. If you live with someone who is depressed and unhappy, they are going to hang out with other people who act the same way, and then their attitudes and their negativity is going to rub off onto you.

I know I preach perseverance and grinding through the hard times, but if you’re surrounded by negative people, you have to remove yourself from that situation. Most people are held back because they are placed in bad family situations or grow up in a bad neighborhood, but you can break the mold.

Join a reading club to meet people who want to learn in grow, take a class in something you are interested in learning, and introduce yourself to new people. I know that being outgoing is a scary concept, cause humans are naturally afraid of rejection.

Stay Strong,
Tai Lopez