
Wednesday, January 24, 2018


 :My personal views:

 They call him "the builder" and the indigents prefer to call him "the passionate builder with a large heart ". If building with his fortune in order to spring up restorative leaders of hope for posterity in Rivers State is a fault, then those who have benefitted through his building lifestyle would prefer his kind of developmental artistry to those who brandish ethnic jingoism. High Chief Barr Dumo Lulu-Briggs is a classic architect who is mastered in the art of engineering a Masterpiece society. Where people are filtered from obscurity to self reliance. He has an aura that can not be forged, it radiates within the ambit of his calling "human capacity building". Give an honest man a chick for a whole village and observe; if he will not apply prudence to transform the chick into a fat cow. Moral lesson here is, a people oriented leader never stops thinking on how to relinquish his comfort for the overall well-being of the larger populace around him. My ideal builder is he whose hallmark ideology is to create a "just, free and fearless society" for others to inherit. A respectable and responsive friend of the indigents who takes joy in the survival, comfort, of the poor, oppressed and deprived. Rivers State is in desperate need of such a rare Homospien breed; who delights in improving lives. Though, callously aligned with demeaning names by a colony of repugnant and recalcitrant selfish lot who rejoices when the poor and people with disability gnash their teeth in anguish. Let the good Lord judge who is a worthy advocate of the people. The rich who builds network of ideas for innovative human capacity development and job creation; or the rich who is ruthlessly selfish and inconsiderately destructive. Call it what you like, I call it "the allegory of the poor, oppressed and hopelessly deprived". Their hope and aspirations through one of Rivers State finest - High Chief Barr Dumo Lulu-Briggs; is solid and unflinching. A man whose pedigree was derived from his inherent magnanimous disposition. A Rotarian per excellence who eract walls of happiness for the poor to be fulfilled. An upright crusader whose guts dwarf those of his foes in all ramifications. A trained and experienced lawyer. His training at the elite business community drew him close to the pitiable situations of the physically challenged, degraded environment, old poor folks and the need to invest heavily on manpower sustainablility and development. He has also tasted battle in the political theatres of elective politics. Therefore, on State matters, governance and management he has earned his accolades and appropriate breathtaking rights to say, "I am the son of my father, a true son of the Kalabari kingdom in Rivers State. I know my people and my people know me". When, he was severally bestowed with prestigious awards for "Excellence and Humanitarian Service to Mankind". I gave out my most cherished 2018 model of, you-ain't-seen-nothing -yet smile. Therefore, I had no reason to nurse any doubt about Dumo's cerebral capability to handle State issues the way he affectionately handle cases of his primary constituents; the poor, oppressed and deprived". I wish to be dispassionately fair to Dumo, youth restiveness, social disorder, alarming rate in which lives are taken, cult related killings and beheading, kidnapping and freestyle extermination of political oppositions are not his perception of an ideal and free society. These crimes have been simmering as long as the present administration in the State. The cardinal thrust of this piece is to ascertain whether or not Dumo's ideology of a fearless and free society strategy is tenable. His strategy has always been hitched on the principles of human capacity evolution. Which appears to be a radical but peaceful revolution of rejigging the mechanisms of governance to suit the deprived and environment. "The sustainable economic development of the common man is my priority. This is not about politics, this has being my zeal and vision for every Rivers man and woman"- High Chief Barr Dumo Lulu-Briggs. And given the fact that, he has the political tenacity and will of steel to tackle issues of the State frontally to its positive conclusive end; his declaration above has again given spice to the heart of the hopeless, peace and tranquility shall return unabashed. Truly, Rivers State needs a fearless surgeon with character and foresight to re-engineer people's orientation towards a better society. It should have been our collective wish that others are related to Dumo through humility, which serves as the umbilical cord of unification and human capacity development. ~Rowland Orlu wrote from Port Harcourt