
Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy New Year Rivers People! Dear compatriots It is a known fact that Mr. Wike is incubating, hobnobbing and planning evil against Rivers people as usual, but this time, he will fail. The same evil will then consume him. I can authoritatively assure Mr. Wike that, with the informations available to me today, soon he will also find out same, no Rivers Youth or adult will carry arms against each other or perpetrate acts of violence for electioneering anymore. Security agencies will certainly be beefed up and fortified, will not be compromised. Many of us that could reach Mr. Wike tried, as much as humanly possible to dissuade and discourage him from this crass and crazy governorship ambition. But, like a senseless fly, he decided to follow the corpse to interment. I personally worked my missionary transfer and left PHC even before the March 28th and April 11th elections. I knew exactly what was in the offing, but i wasn't in a position to turn things around, hence I took to prayers for the good people of Rivers State. When I heard and read from the media, the scale of violence, number of lives lost and properties destroyed, I knew I was right after all. Fortunately and suddenly as prayed for, the tide has turned against the incumbent governor, who decided to kill and destroy anyone that will ever stand against his ambition, no matter the reason and will damn all consequences. In many instances, Mr. Wike made good his threats, many people died and too many properties were destroyed on the altar of his ambition. God is my witness. The good news is that, I and many others will soon return to RIVERS STATE to exercise our franchise without fear of Mr. Wike. Though, he shouldn't be taken for granted, he is more vicious and dangerous now, in the replica of a "drowning man". The security agencies must be up and doing, on a steady lookout for Mr. Wike and his political antics of thuggery, murder and violence. Otherwise, how can a man who claims to be a lawyer, a husband, a parent, come to the public and threaten and endanger the lives of others? According to him, while attempting to raise false alarm, that there is a plot by the federal government to rig the impending rerun elections in Rivers State against him, he openly ordered his ignorant and unfortunate gullible followers into a suicide mission, while advising them to wage a war against the army and police!!! He said that "anyone coming to Rivers State for election duties must sign their wills before accepting such responsibility". Mr. Wike, because I know you and understand you as I've worked with you before , this your recent threat is empty and watery, of no consequence anymore! Because those your wild winds are currently clipped. Your woeful failure and very poor, abysmal performance while in office thus far is highly shameful, although you lack shame. You are totally and drastically deficient in leadership capability. You lack civility. Your hostile nature and tendencies remains very despicable and disgusting. The greatest days and the happiest days of this New Year 2016, shall be that day, when you will be finally sacked as governor by the Apex court of our land, in line with the judgments of the Tribunal and Appeal court. "The sack of Wike as a governor, will be the greatest New year Gift of all times to Rivers people. That is the day, I and many others will return to Elelenwo Town and other places, with a big celebration and thanks giving to God. Pastor Ndamati Johnson Enyinda A missionary and an elder of Elelenwo Town, Rivers State. Writes from Ilorin, Nigeria.