
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dakuku will provide "A TECH FRIENDLY STATE"

Dakuku will provide "A TECH FRIENDLY STATE" It is a fact that ICT has permeated almost every way the world works, learns and lives. This means that any society that does not embrace ICT will perpetually be falling behind the rest of the world. Our administration will take serious steps to bridge the Digital Divide by: . Dakuku will encourage the use of Nigeria Internet Exchange in Port Harcourt to improve local internet service; . Deploying broadband internet access across the State, in partnership with private sector. His administration will help boost the ICT sector by providing the tools, environment, training and support for ICT professionals and entrepreneurs. We will do this by: He will extend the RivCloud service to the private sector, so that software developers can build and host their apps. Setting up digital hubs and innovation parks. Running Mentorship programmes for young programmers and developers Establishing an Open Source policy for non sensitive government projects. He will use government controlled activities to increase citizens’ familiarity with the use of ICT, for example by: - Deploying E-governance platforms for Government’s interactions with the public; - Deploying E-commerce platforms for citizens’ payments to government; Deploying wireless networks in all schools, along with digital learning devices (tablets and laptops, computer labs, electronic boards, etc.). - Deploying Education Management Information System and Electronic Medical Records. - Connecting schools and hospitals to RivCloud. Think A Tech friendly State; ThinkDakuku ‪#‎RiversOfPossibilities‬ ‪#‎iPAD4g_16‬